During the late 1950's in the early days of ARPA (the Advanced Research Projects Agency):
"..Herbert York...was given the job [of chief scientist] and moved to ARPA from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. When he arrived on the third floor at the Pentagon, York promptly hung a large picture of the moon on his office wall. And right beside it he hung an empty frame. He told visitors it would soon be filled with the first picture of the back side of the moon."
( From Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet )
York's placing of the empty picture frame on his wall was a great way to distill his goals down to a single representative product.
Telling visitors what would ultimately be in that frame was a great way to publicly put himself on record for that exact same goal.
As we look to our current and future goals in education, should we put an empty picture frame on our office wall?
If yes, what should we ultimately seek to put in our empty picture frame?